HomeTop NewsJordan Appeals to Moderate Republicans in Heated House Speaker Race

Jordan Appeals to Moderate Republicans in Heated House Speaker Race

As the race for U.S. House Speaker intensifies, moderate Republicans are turning to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) to potentially lead the party and the House of Representatives. With the support of conservatives like Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Lunenburg County chairman Hunter Ridgeway, Jordan is making his case for the House Speaker seat.

Christian conservatives, such as Rick Scarborough and Mat Staver, are championing Rep. Jordan as a counter to the traditional Republican establishment. “The Republican Party needs leadership that is committed to the pro-life agenda,” Scarborough said. “That’s why Jim Jordan is the right choice.”

Jordan’s supporters are also emphasizing his leadership in bringing to light the misuse of taxpayer money and his strong record on limiting government spending. His party record on defense and national security is among the most conservative in the House of Representatives.

In addition to Jordan’s fiscal and moral qualifications, his constituents in the 14th Congressional District of Ohio are standing strong behind him. Since he was elected in 2006, Rep. Jordan has held a 37-point lead among his constituents’ approval ratings.

This strong backing at home has been followed by broader conservative support. Over the past year, Ted Cruz (R-TX), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), and Rand Paul (R-KY) have all come out in support of Jordan. Such prominent conservatives have praised the Ohio Congressman for his advocacy on issues of fiscal responsibility, limited government, and cultural traditionalism.

As the debate over the House Speaker’s race intensifies, there is a sense that Rep. Jim Jordan is vying for the Republican establishment’s most powerful position. His credentials, both at home and among the national conservative bloc, make for a compelling case. With continued support from moderates, Jordan stands a strong chance of becoming the next House Speaker and rallying the Republican party under a unified banner.